Business Intelligence Specialist
Business Intelligence Specialist is the key personnel that determines the strategies of the organizations and plays an active role in the future decisions of the organizations (market search, risk analysis, marketing/sales according to customer portfolio, increasing sales activities, reducing costs, personnel performances, etc.). and those that reduce data to the level that decision-makers can interpret.
Who is Business Intelligence Specialist?
In general, business intelligence specialists should have high communication skills, adapt to teamwork, constantly follow the innovations in business intelligence and renew themselves and have analytical thinking skills.
These features may sound boring to you like the classic definitions you see in job advertisements, but business intelligence specialists with these features will make a difference in your job and will add a lot of added value to the companies you work with.

Business Intelligence Specialist
What Does A Business Intelligence Specialist Do?
The tasks of a business intelligence specialist are divided into two parts.
1) Information Technology Services:
They build business intelligence systems by using data effectively.
In other words, we can say that they are also a data architect. In the world of competition, they create systems that enable employees and managers to devote time to more efficient jobs.
If robust structures are not established, they may create systems that force physical systems in the following periods due to increasing data and which report incorrectly or not.

What Does A Business Intelligence Specialist Do?
2)Serving The Users :
Meets the reporting needs of users. In other words, they make the data more simple, understandable, in line with the needs of the users, so that users can make decisions about their own business.
Of course, there are senior managers in the user section. They play a major role in making the right decision for managers, so they form an element of decision support systems.
As the BI Specialist is associated with all departments, the process of getting used to the technical and corporate structure of the company he/she works for may take longer than other department employees.
In addition, because they can generate reports about all departments of a company, they are in control of the processes in all departments. This brings a great benefit to the development of the managerial skills of business intelligence specialists.
How To Become A Business Intelligence Specialist (Analyst)?
In order to become a business intelligence specialist, it is not necessary to graduate from a specific department of a particular university. As an example, I can tell you that I have a friend who has graduated from the faculty of political sciences but has developed himself very well in business intelligence.
But during university years; I would say that Computer Engineers dealing with continuous data and data structures, and Industrial Engineers who specialize in process design and management, and who develop themselves in software, are more advantageous in being business intelligence specialist.
Business Intelligence Specialist Salary
Salaries of business intelligence specialists vary according to the sector and work experience. Salaries are generally above average. The average salary for a Business Intelligence Specialist is $71.457 per year in the USA. (via
In Which Sectors Do Business Intelligence Specialists Work Intensively?
- Financial Institutions
- Banks
- Logistics
- Textile Industry
- e-commerce
- Automotive Industry
- Pharmaceutical Industry
What Should Be The Purpose Of The BI Specialist?
Everyone’s expectations from a job and the satisfaction of a job to the extent that the expectations are met. If we determine our goals very well and apply the right strategies in this regard, we will meet our expectations.
For example, as a business intelligence expert, my aim is; to integrate my knowledge and experience with computer technologies and to achieve more efficient, easier, more accurate results in the light of business intelligence processes and methods, and to contribute to the determination of appropriate strategies for these results.
Clearly, dealing with data, analyzing and reporting appropriately is both enjoyable and very difficult. It takes patience and attention. Working with a specific discipline and setting goals is extremely important for this business.
Therefore, you should determine your goals very well and try to progress in a disciplined way towards your goals.
“If you’re not working with purpose, you’re doing it wrong.”

What Should Be The Purpose Of The BI Specialist?
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